In the event that you have a friend or a loved one happens to have been detained by the Department of Homeland Security of the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, ICE, then for the sake of their release, you will require an immigration bail bond. For quite a number who have need for this, there has been so much confusion and misconception on the operation of the Immigration Bail Bonds and their procedures. This said and done, one thing that is a fact is that this actually doesn’t have to be the case as it is a fact that where you solicit the services of the experts in immigration bail bonds Virginia, you will be able to have most, in fact all, of these misconceptions cleared and as such have your way through the process.
By and large, when looking for an immigration Bail Bonds company, you will be so advised to ensure that you get one that will indeed be able to offer you the best services that will help you with these needs. Talking of these, you may want to make sure that you have found such a company that actually specializes in immigration bails bonds in their practice and as well you have to look at their availability as a company. Here under is a rundown on some of the things that indeed the immigration bails bonds do.
First and foremost, it should be noted as a fact that Immigration Bails Bonds are a form of a federal bond. They will be required for the cases of the Green Card holders and the other undocumented individuals who happen to be held by the US Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement as they await the outcome of their case. The Immigration Bail Bonds are as well referred to as the ICE Form I-352 and they come of four kinds as have been highlighted below.
Talking of these, one of them is that known as the G (1) Delivery Bond. This is the kind of bond that will be conditioned upon the delivery of an alien and is the most common form of the immigration bail bonds Georgia. The main purpose of these bonds is to make sure that one will actually comply with a deportation order when these would be the directives so issued.
The other form of these bonds are the Public Safety Bond, which serve to ensure that the alien will not become a public charge. This bond essentially seeks to ensure that the government gets reimbursed in the event that such a bonded alien accepts any form of assistance from the public.
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